Thursday, 3 April 2014


The art deco construction that is the Boat House, 
which overlooks the Old Merlion Park, 
and now part of the Fullerton Hotel. 

Every once in two years, the National Arts Council (NAC) in Singapore holds a "Thank You Dinner" for its multiple committees of arts advisers, informers, infiltrators, spies and general kaypohs at an upmarket city venue in a mood of conviviality with good food, halal, kosher and otherwise. That means that two years of service to the arts scene in Singapore are up, and the invitees are left wondering whether they will be invited back for the next cycle or given the golden handshake. 

Whatever it may be, it was a good time for the movers and shakers of the arts scene - musical, literary, drama, dance, visual arts et cetera - to meet up, relax, bitch about arts funding (or the lack of), exchange business cards and the latest gossip. As always, the food on Wednesday 2 April 2014 at The Boat House was excellent (especially the beef and fish) and company invaluable. Once again, Thank You NAC!  
Chairperson of the NAC Professor Chan Heng Chee
lauded the sharp increase of arts events over past years.
but no mention of the Arts Festival and its feuding parties.

Entertainment of the evening was provided by Budak Pantai 
(Beach Boys), one of Singapore's most established and grooviest
a capella groups. Too bad their party has to end on 20 May. 

Lightning Conductors (from L):
Yan Yin Wing (founder of Braddell Heights Symphony),
Leonard Tan (Director of The Philharmonic Winds) &
Adrian Tan (Director of Braddell Heights Symphony
and Singapore Wind Symphony). Got that?

Two of Singapore's greatest Gen X composers:
Zechariah Goh Toh Chai and Joyce BT Koh.

Leonard Tan with NAC's Pearl Samuel and her husband,
the Scottish composer Peter Kellock.

The Chinese music fraternity: NAC's Rachel Lim 
with pipa virtuoso Samuel Wong and Terence Ho,
General Manager of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra.

With Former CEO of NAC and present CEO of ETBTB*
Benson PhuaNAC's Yvonne Tham & 
theatre practitioner Sean Tobin.
* Esplanade Theatres By The Bay

Too bad I did not take photos of the food, but here are some
 wall hangings at the Boat House.What's the deal with
Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek, one wonders.

One of the best views of the Singapore skyline.

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